Are you ready for all the new goodies I have for you this week?
I hope so! Don’t miss the freebie at the end of the post! OK, let’s start!This week I have a new Mixology release where each pack is only $1.20!This month the theme is {Beach Trip}. Very appropriate for most of us:) Check it out here!This week I have an alpha in four colours for you to enjoy!
Click the image below to begin downloading.Download Do you enjoy challenges? Well the June Digi Dish Challenge is up and ready to be played!The prize for playing along is a mini kit by Maria Designs! Check it out:)Thanks for reading!Until next time, keep scrapping:)
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New Release | {Beach Trip} Collection
{Simple Pleasures} New Release | A Little Giggle Designs
New Releases | {Make a Wish} Bundle
A super quick post to show you my {Make a Wish} release with a coupon (I didn’t say ‘latest’ because it was actually released a few months ago but I completely forgot to post this when it released!)
Ok, so here it is, {Make a Wish}. The kit comes complete with patterned papers, solid papers, elements and an alpha. If you want more you won’t be disappointed. There is also a bundle with two sets of wordart, journal cards and masks. So what are you waiting for? Go snag it from my store (and use the following coupon and get the bundle for 50% off until 1 March 2014!).
COUPON CODE: gd-wish50
Ah, but some of you want to see more? No prob. Here are the previews. Enjoy!
I also released a set of wood elements that would fi almost any layout they are so versatile and who doesn’t love wood! Use the gd-wish50 coupon to grab this set at 50% off until 1 March 2014, too!
Ready for more? Check out my Facebook Fanpage by clicking on the preview below for a chance to win my latest bundle, {BoysBoysBoys}. Here’s a sneak preview:)
Thanks for reading. Have a great week everyone!
P.S. If you haven’t already signed up for my newsletter, you can do it in a few seconds using the form on the right! You’ll never miss another freebie, giveaway or new release again.
A Few Layouts
I design way more than I create my own layouts, which is why I’m so glad I’m on a CT! It kicks my butt into creating when it comes to layouts! So, here are a few of my latest CT layouts. Enjoy!
Credits: Let’s Be Reckless collab by Sanko Studio and Amanda Yi Designs
Credits: Make a Wish kit by A Little Giggle Designs and Cornered template by Sanko Studio.
Credits: Unforgettable kit by A Little Giggle Designs and Uncomplicated template by Sanko Studio.
Credits: Foxy kit by Sanko Studio and Hindsight V.3 template also by Sanko Studio
Thanks for stopping by!
Facebook Fanpage {Freebie}
Here is the Add On Mini Kit FREEBIE. CLICK HERE or on the image to download it directly from my blog.
Well, that’s about it for now.
Thanks for stopping by and I really hope you like my Facebook page!
‘Hope in the Rain’ Full Kit
Can you believe it? I actually made it to Round 4 of the GDS Design Contest! The FINAL round! And I made the cut! There are 8 designers left and we’re competing for a place on the GDS Design Team. What’s more, my Round 4 GDS Design Challenge kit is finished! Yay! This round we had to create a full kit of 10 papers, 20 elements and an alphabet! All in a week! We were given a photo from which we had to extract a colour scheme and were then free to create!
{Sorry! As this item will be the FIRST item in my brand new shop over at GDS, it is no longer a freebie. I hate to do this! If you’re interested in grabbing a freebie, check the other items on my blog or head over to my Facebook Fan Page for a freebie.
Here are a few more previews of the kit.
So… I guess this is it until the results are released on Sunday. Wish me luck!
‘All About Me’ Mini-kit {Freebie}
My Round 3 GDS Design Challenge kit is finished! Yay! This round’s mini-kit has 5 papers and 10 elements and a coordinating cluster. I loved the colours, but we were not allowed to use CU products so we were stretched! But it was fun… once again working outside of my comfort zone.
An add-on freebie is coming soon so check back!
{This is a direct download from my blog}
The last round of the contest, Round 4, and I’m so hoping I get into the last round, but am happy I took part in this contest so if I don’t make it – no worries!
P.S. If you would like to download the cluster that coordinates with this kit, check out the cluster post HERE. I hope you like using it as much as I enjoyed designing it:)
‘Holiday in the Sun’ Mini-kit {Freebie}
My Round 2 GDS Design Challenge kit is finished! Yay! This round it is 6 papers and 15 elements. The colours were so not me, but I enjoyed working outside of my comfort zone. I love the stitched elements and think the grungy papers work really well with them. An add-on freebie is coming soon so check back!
{This is a direct download from my blog}
Round 3 of the contest begins on Saturday so I have a few days to catch my breath (or should I say hold my breath to see if I make it to Round 3!). I’m still thoroughly enjoying it (although it’sa lot of hard work!).
P.S. If you would like to download the ROUND 1 mini kit, check out the mini-kit post HERE. I hope you like using it as much as I enjoyed designing it:)
My Layouts This Week
It has been an interesting week. I had a lovely meal in Mong Kok (Hong Kong) – all-you-can-eat hot pot and sushi. Yum! Anyway, onto my layouts!
Credits: ‘Callioie’ kit by Tracie Stroud. Font: Amelie.
Credits: ‘Crazee Kinda Luv’ kit by Captivated Visions. Font: Adler
Credits: ‘You Are My Sunshine’ kit by Dunia Designs and Studio Basic Designs. Font: Libel Suit and Adler
That’s it from me this week. See you next week!
Layout Friday
Can’t believe it’s Friday again! I’ve had a great week this week, although I’ve been busy. Work, work and more work! Thankfully I love my job so it doesn’t feel like work… even when I’m at work after 8pm!
Ok, enough chatter, onto the layouts I made this week. Enjoy!
Credits: ‘Goodnight Moon’ kit by Captivated Visions. ‘My Words Only Template Vol. 1’ by Captivated Visions. Fonts: Corbel and Cracked.
Credits: ‘Hello, I Love You’ kit by Dunia Designs. Embrace Simplicity Layered Templates by Dunia Designs. Font: DJB POPPYSEED
Credits: ‘It’s About Us’ kit by Captivated Visions. Font: DJB Poppyseed