Starbuck the Bengal Cat

Starbuck the Bengal Cat

This is my beloved Starbuck. He’s a purebred bengal cat from Australia and I love him! As soon as I saw his picture I knew he was mine and, even though I looked at a gazillion other kittens, I knew He was mine the minute I saw him. I just couldn’t believe that the first kitten I had seen would be the one. You should never choose the first one, right? But I did and I cannot believe how wonderful and perfect he truly is!

I’m not big into pet photography, but I keep trying. I love this photo of Starbuck, even though the depth of field is a little too shallow, I still love it. His eyes – that intent stare at whatever it was he was looking at is divine. He’s divine!

OK, enough about my cat – btw, I have 3 – a mixture of rescue and purebred (not forgetting my 1 year old whipptet called Harry – that’s another story!).

Ok, that’s it from me.



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